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The Stevie Kidd Pathway has become The Pathway. Learn More

All journeys start with the first step. Reach out to us now and begin your Pathway experience. As your trusted partners in business performance coaching and leadership training, we’re here to guide you from the very first step towards sustained growth, enhanced productivity, and authentic leadership.


Office: +44 (0) 330 311 2413

Pure Offices
1 Ainslie Road, Hillington
Glasgow, G52 4RU


Ready to take yourself and your team to the next level?

    What our Clients say


    Stevie is an example to anyone on what you can achieve with the correct mindset. He has greater motivation and passion than anyone I have ever met, as a direct result he has limitless potential.

    Kevin Grant

    Station Manager


    When I initially contacted Stevie I had a clear idea of what I wanted from my coach, what I got blew my mind. Stevie’s contribution towards business and personal growth has been significant. He is extremely intuitive and his energy is infectious, always seeming to know what’s going on and what to say to influence change in state and belief.

    Graeme Allan


    Hydrafit Mobile Hose